
演唱:Joanna Wang 王若琳
專輯:Start From Here

聲音很像外國人對吧,因為人家是在國外長大的咩,不像外國人也難,有名小站有她 live 的片段,而她更小的時候有在林暐哲那發過 EP。


97/01/23 昨天不小心聽到廣播訪問她,她不想讓秘密給人知道,所以 link 刪了。



Joanna 的聲音很棒,而且他唱歌的技巧進步很快,他的歌聲與他的創作比起來,創作是弱了一點,還好有大的唱片公司和好的製作人做出可以與他歌聲匹配的歌來,讓消費者聽的很開心,雖然 Joanna 似乎沒有很開心,但我相信他慢慢的會寫出成熟而又屬於他自己的東西。

Joanna Wang 王若琳。

Let's Start From Here

giving up, why should i
we've come to far to forget
we're beautiful, we just got lost
somewhere along the way
so much was missing when you went away

let's start from here, lose the past
change our minds, we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance don't think too deep
of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
i don't care where we go
let's start from here
let's start from here

standing here face to face
a finger on your lips
don't say a word don't make a sound
silence surrounds us now
even when you were gone i felt you everywhere

let's start from here, lose the past
change our minds, we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance don't think too deep
of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
i don't care where we go
let's start from here
let's start from here

I've never been the one to open up
but you've always been the voice within'
the only warmth from my cold heart

let's start from here, lose the past
change our minds, we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance don't think too deep
of all those promises
let's start from here, lose the past
change our minds
we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance don't think too deep
of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
i don't care where we go
let's start from here

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